
The novel coronavirus constantly scatters all around the world since 2019. As its menacing outbreak continues to take place, global scientists are on their quest to create a vaccine against coronavirus. However, will an effective vaccine make it in time?

Who is working on it?

Robin Shattock, a top British scientist and Head of Mucosal Infection and Immunity in the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London, will test one vaccine on animals. If adequate funds come, he puts his hope to start on human testing in summer. Some researchers outside Great Britain are claiming that they are on their way to developing it.

If a sudden serious outbreak occurs, will a vaccine be ready?
Even if there are claims of being close to it – possibly, no. A lot of laboratories across the world can create vaccines but it takes a long time, and a lot of money needs to be spent. Also, human testing has many factors to consider:

  • If it is going to be effective
  • Safety
  • Side effects

As there is still no vaccine that exists, the best preventive measure to do is to cover the nose when sneezing and washing your hands. When sick, it is better to stay away from other people.

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